Sunday, June 16, 2024

Flying by to say...

 Hello and Happy Father's Day to all!
I'm just popping in with a card
I'd like to share with you:

I recently purchased this fairy set and I'm having fun
coloring these wee cuties up and making some
cards with them.

Here is the inside:

I stamp and colored up a bunch of these images, so now
I'm working on getting them on cards. 😊

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!

I'd like to enter this at:

Stamps: Lawn Fawn - Fairy Friends & dies, Really High Five, Wavy Sayings
Ink: Memento - Tuxedo Black
DP: Queen & Co. - The Great Outdoors
CS: Spectrum Noir; Neenah
Accessories: Spectrum Noir markers; Lawn Fawn - scalloped rectangle die, Wavy Sayings Banner die; Sunny Studio - stitched circle die; Nuvo Glitter Drops - White Blizzard; MISTI
Adhesives: SA - tape runner, 3D foam squares; Ranger - MMM


  1. These little fairies are just as cute as can be. Fun way to use the sketch. So glad to see you this week at FMS!

  2. Oh just the sweetest! Thanks for playing at AAA Birthday, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe & keep crafting!


Thanks for visiting! I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading them!

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