Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Some Christmas cards I made recently

 Hello and welcome, friends.
I have some cards to share that I
recently made using the
This group of cards were my October set:

Here are close ups of the cards:

I usually make Christmas cards all year long, but I had no mojo for
most of the year. These sketch challenges that Kendra does
really came in handy!

Well, more posts to come. This was the first set in the quarterly challenge.
Thanks for visiting. Have a great day!

Supplies (some - too much to type)
Stamps: Sunny Studio - Penguin Pals, Hedgey Holidays, Christmas Critters, Season's Greetings, Classy Christmas; Picket Fence Studio - Inside Quotes Christmas; Lawn Fawn - Ho Ho Holidays
DP: Sunny Studio - All is Bright

1 comment:

Thanks for visiting! I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading them!

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