Tuesday, January 2, 2024

More Christmas cards part 3

 Hi again, it's me!
Here's the third batch of cards I made for December

To save time and my sanity, this time I chose a paper kit that included both
stickers and ephemera, instead of coloring a bazillion images.
Since the first two sets were cutesy, I went with a more
'grown up' look with this last set.

The blue paper was plain, so I did some creative stamping using a background
stamp. Of course, the stamp is smaller than 6" x 6", but luckily
it was made to repeat on all sides.
I was rather proud that I was able to line it up so well,
considering it's a red rubber stamp and not a clear stamp.

Here are some close ups:

There ya go. That's the last set!
Well, time to go and get dinner started.
Thank you for visiting! Have a great day!

Supplies: (some - too much to type!)
Stamps: Honey Bee - Home for the Holidays; Taylored Expressions - Branches and Blooms; Picket Fence Studios - Inside Quotes Christmas; Stampers Anonymous - Tiny Text Christmas; MFT - Christmas Wishes; Hero Arts - Merry Christmas Message
DP: Simple Stories - Hearth & Holiday

1 comment:

Thanks for visiting! I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading them!

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