Tuesday, July 14, 2020

More painted rocks

Hello friends and welcome!
Since my card making mojo seems to be coming and going,
(more of the going than I'd like), I decided to paint some 
more rocks to hide in my neighborhood.
Using the tutorial from this post by Adrianne,
created some dandelion wish rocks:

Since painting these rocks last month, I've found a rock painting Facebook group
based in Maryland, thus the PRMD hashtag. Some day, when I feel 
more confident about hiking outside of my own hood,
(you know, because of the Corona virus still going strong), 
I'll hide painted rocks on those hikes. But that
 won't be any time soon, it seems.
Until then, I'll just keep on leaving a little bit of
 happiness (I hope) around. We can all use that! ☺

Thanks for visiting. I hope you have a wonderful day!

rocks collected at the beach
DecoArt Media Gesso
DecoArt Americana acrylic paint: Titanium White, Indian Turquoise, Dark Chocolate, Irish Moss
DecoArt DuraClear satin varnish
paint brushes
Mod Podge
Sakura white Gelly Roll pen


  1. Gorgeous rocks, love the dandelion fluff, awesome job. I'm sure most will keep those well at least the first found ones. The FB rock groups are very popular. Most of Ontario moved to stage 3 not happy with going to the gym part. But one area is stil in Stage 2 which is the one that the Cottage is in.


Thanks for visiting! I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading them!

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